Sunan at-Tirmithiy كتاب الحج باب ما جاء فى التلبية
‘Abdullāh Ibn-‘Umar wished to call out the pilgrim's invocation (1), so he set off reciting loudly, "I respond to your call, O God, I respond to your call. I respond to your call, You have no partner, I respond to your call. Indeed, Yours alone are praise and bounty, and Yours alone is the dominion. You have no partner." ‘Abdullāh Ibn-‘Umar would say that this was the pilgrim's invocation recited by the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him. He would himself add after the Messenger of God's invocation, "I respond to your call, I respond to you call and I seek your help to obey You. All good is in Your hands, I respond to your call, the appeals are to You, so are the deeds."" Footnotes: (1) (at-Talbiyah): A special invocation that is recited during Pilgrimage asserting the pilgrims' conviction that they intend to perform pilgrimage only in God's way, purifying themselves and leaving behind their worldly interests. Click on ḥadīth to read more