“ Jarīr Ibn-Abdullāh urinated then performed ablution and wiped (over) his footwear(1). He was asked, "Why do you do that?" He replied, "and Why not when I saw the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, do so (i.e. wipe his footwear rather than take it off and wash his feet)." Ibrāhīm [an-Nakh'ī] said, they (i.e. scholars of ḥadīth) liked Jarīr's ḥadīth because he embraced Islām after al-Mā'idah Chapter was revealed (2). Footnotes: (1) Khuf: a leather boot or sock, much like a moccasin, that covers the entire foot and ankle. (2) In al-Mā'idah Chapter, the descrpition of ablution was revealed : "You who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and [wash] your feet to the ankles" (5 [al-Mā'idah]: 6). However, since he was doing that, he must have seen the Prophet , peace and blessing of God be upon him, do so after this verse was revealed, and so it remains valid. ”