Sunan at-Tirmithiy كتاب الإيمان باب ما جاء بنى الإسلام على خمس
The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, "Islām is built on five [pillars]: bearing witness that there is no god except Allāh (1), and that Muḥammad is His messenger; establishing prayer; giving (prescribed) alms (2); fasting Ramaḍān; and pilgrimage to the [Sanctified] House [of God] (3)." Footnotes: (1) Allāh is the Arabic name for the One and Only God, the same God shared by all monotheistic faiths (the name Allāh is often used by Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews). The name Allāh encompasses all the divine names and attributes of the Lord of the worlds, and hence has vast scopes of meaning. It is for this reason that Muslims consider it unique. Unlike the word 'God', Allāh in Arabic has no inflections of gender or number. (2) (Zakāh): One of the five pillars of Islām: It is a calculated proportion of a Muslim's wealth that is paid annually for the benefit of the needy. It is due on certain assets, once their value reaches a certain threshold and the calculation varies according to the nature of the asset. (3) (Ḥajj) The pilgrimage to Makkah during the first half of the month of Thul-Ḥijjah, which is the fifth pillar of Islām. A good authentic ḥadīth reported by at-Tirmithī, "The Book of Belief", in Sunan at-Tirmithī: ḥadīth number 2813, narrated by 'Abdullāh Ibn-'Umar Ibnul-Khaṭṭāb al-'Adawī. Click on ḥadīth to read more