“ Juwayriyah Bintul-Ḥārith (1) reported that while she was at her place of prayer the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, passed by. Later, around midday, the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, passed by again and asked her, "Still the way you were?" She replied, "Yes." He exclaimed, "Shall I teach you words to say (2): Exalted is God the number of His creation, exalted is God the number of His creation, exalted is God in the number of His creation. Exalted is God as pleases Him, exalted is God as pleases Him, exalted is God as pleases Him. Exalted is God the weight of His throne, exalted is God the weight of His throne, exalted is God the weight of His throne. Exalted is God the breadth of His words, exalted is God the breadth of His words, exalted is God the breadth of His words.'" Footnote: One of the Mothers of the Believers. i.e. words whose merits would equal or even outweigh that of other forms of remembrance of God that she had performed during these hours (after the dawn prayer -(Fajr) that takes place before sunrise- until just before the noon prayer - (Thuhr).) ”