“ The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said, “Let those people who boast about their dead ancestors desist; for they are the embers of Hell (1) lest they become more despicable to God than the beetle that rolls up dung with its nose. Indeed, God has cleansed you from the pride and self-praise of the pre-Islamic time (2), so one is only a pious believer or a wretched debauchee. All people are children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.” Footnotes: (1) Having died as disbelievers. (2) (Jāhiliyyah) literally means ignorance and refers to the pre-Islamic pagan practices, i.e. the fragility of moral values and manners, injustice and commitment of atrocities against humans, animals and the environment. A more general meaning for (Jāhiliyyah) that applies to modern times is: A state that befalls humanity when it steers away from God’s path. ”