“ A man asked Ibn-Mas'ūd, "Which of the deeds is the most virtuous?" He replied, "I asked the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, about that, and he replied, '[Observing] the prayer at its [appointed] time.' I asked, 'And what else, Messenger of God?' He replied, 'And being dutiful to one's parents.' I asked, 'And what else, Messenger of God?' He said, 'and jihād (striving) in the way of God (1).'" Footnote (1): Jihād is defined as any earnest striving for the sake of God, involving personal, physical, intellectual or military effort, for righteousness and against wrong-doing. In such fighting, no woman, child or innocent civilian may be harmed, nor a tree cut down. Islām calls for moderation and tolerance, and abhors extremism, terrorism, oppression and discrimination. ”